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SculpSure by Cynosure

CoolSculpting by Zeltig

Time 25 Minutes 60 minutes
Technology FDA Cleared for Laser Thermolipolysis (heats the fat) with cool, flat applicators FDA cleared for Cyrolipolysis (freezes the fat) with a suctioned applicator
Applicators 25 minute treatment using 4 cool, flat applicators simultaneously (example: treats both love handles in 25 minutes) 1 hour treatment using 1 suctioned applicator (example: takes 2 hours to treat both love handles)
Recovery No recovery time. Can work out immediately after / minimal tenderness in area treated Up to a few weeks of numbness and bruising/tingling of the treated areas have been reported and potential complications
Comfort Hands free/ flat non-suction applicator with cooling plates that is easily tolerated Suction based applicator and post procedure massage can be quite uncomfortable and cause nerve damage in some patients
Candidates No suction, no pulling the tissue, can treat all body types including younger / tighter patients with less fat (doesn't need to be vacuumed) Patient's skin and fat must vacuum into applicator or you cannot perform the treatment
Areas Treat multiple areas at once and applicators can be placed on the body in many configurations to better target troubling fat zones Limited applicator shape, size and treatable area / can only treat fat that can be suctioned into the applicator
Cost $1500 average cost per treatment (4 applicators at once) $600 average cost per small applicator (equivalent to 2 SculpSure applicators) or $1500 per the larger applicator (equivalent to 4 SculpSure applicators)
Efficiency 24% permanent reduction in fat in 6-12 weeks Average 22% permanent fat reduction in 3-4 months
Treatable Areas FDA approved with abdomen and flanks, physicians are treating other off label areas such as below the neck- inner and outer thighs, above the knees, bra line, calves, etc. FDA approved with abdomen and flanks, physicians are treating other off label areas such as below the neck- inner and outer thighs, above the knees, bra line, calves, etc.
Results Smoother treatment result due to heat dispersion/feathering up to 35% spread outside of the treated areas/applicators Only suctioned fat is treated; patients may experience irregularities, lumpiness or shelving in the treated area

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